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Please Use code: Dis20 for 20% off all products! This will only last until I update the packages to physbones! ( Physbone updated models will be made Quest available!)


Avatars 3.0

4k PBR Textures

Dynamic Bones Setup (Hair and Leg Straps).

Dynamic Bone Colliders (Palms, Head).

Custom Face Gestures.

Custom Hand Gestures.

Face Gesture Toggle.

Horns Toggle.

Glasses Toggle.



Base: Zinpia (Sugs#9795)

Head: Zinpia (Sugs#9795) (Edit by Haka#8983)

Hair: Zinpia (Sugs#9795)

Chest/arm straps: PickelBarrel#0001

Metal Face Accents: YoungSoon4#4855

Everything else made by Me (Haka#8983)

All gumroad pages are hyperlinked in creator's name above

Thanks to WetCat, AlcTrap, Dj Lukis.LT, INYO and Gireison for the locomotion layer, and to Poiyomi for the wonderful shader!

DO NOT "part pick" the avatar's assets to create another avatar to be used commercially. If you like His assets there are links in the post to the original artist's place

of download/sale. If you intend to use his clothing for a commercial avatar, please purchase a license for any of my Original clothing meshes on my gumroad page.

IF you have PAID for the Original asset; Feel free to use anything I've edited to your liking only if the former applies.

Do Not Upload him to any public worlds, or set your Model to public.

Please note: Dynamic bones are NOT included.

If you want your Dynamic Bones to move; Please buy the dynamic bones package from the unity store if you have not done so already.

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12 Materials
1 Mesh
115k Tris
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